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Photographic view album of Inveraray
Books, Manuscripts
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Album of published photographs of Inveraray and environs
Main title:
Inveraray : John Robertson, Fancy Goods Merchant
[20 pages] : photographic plates ; 18 x 23 cm
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Total copies: 1
Inveraray and strachur
Inveraray and strachur
Ordnance Survey1983
Inveraray tales and traditions
Inveraray tales and traditions
Mackechnie, Donald1989
Inveraray notes
Inveraray notes
Mackechnie, Donald1986
Round and about Inveraray
Round and about Inveraray
Stirling, NancyUUUU
Inveraray : its scenery and associations
Inveraray : its scenery and...
Macintyre, Peter1923
Inveraray poems
Inveraray poems
MacGregor, Rae (E...1989
The first burgh in Argyll
The first burgh in Argyll
Mackechnie, DonaldUUUU
Local reports from commissioners on municipal corp
Local reports from commissi...
Commissioners on ...1835