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A Scottish bestiary : the lore and literature of Scottish beasts

Thompson, Francis, 1931-1978
Books, Manuscripts
This collection of traditional lore and literature about a selection of animals particularly associated with Scotland shows how animals can still reflect the generous and vicious sides to man's nature. Thirty different animals are covered, ranging from the extinct Brown Bear and Elk to endangered species like the Pine Marten and the six-horned Highland sheep. Each animal is illustrated in line drawing by Malcolm J. Robinson.
Main title:
A Scottish bestiary : the lore and literature of Scottish beasts / Francis Thompson ; illustrated by Malcolm J. Robinson.
Glasgow : Molendinar Press, 1978.
(7),92p : ill. ; 21x26 cm.
AL: Mar. 29, Frank George.Includes bibliographical references.Bibl.: p.92.
Index terms:
MammalsScotland, to 1977Scotland General

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