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The Inveraray collection of original compositions for accordion and fiddle
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Ten selected songs of the Hebrides (from vols I, I
Ten selected songs of the H...
Songs of the Isles : a collection of island and hi
Songs of the Isles : a coll...

Highland songs of the Forty...
Songs of the Hebrides collected and aranged for vo
Songs of the Hebrides colle...
Scots minstrelsie : a national monument of Scottis
Scots minstrelsie : a natio...
Scots minstrelsie : a national monument of Scottis
Scots minstrelsie : a natio...
Scots minstrelsie : a national monument of Scottis
Scots minstrelsie : a natio...
The Scottish Jacobites and their songs and music w
The Scottish Jacobites and ...
Songs of the north : gathered together from the hi
Songs of the north : gather...
Songs of the north : gathered together from the hi
Songs of the north : gather...
Songs of the north : gathered together from the hi
Songs of the north : gather...
Lays of Strathearn : the symphonies and accompanim
Lays of Strathearn : the sy...
The minstrelsy of the Scottish Highlands : a colle
The minstrelsy of the Scott...
From the Hebrides : further gleanings of tale and
From the Hebrides : further...
Songs of the Hebrides : collected and arranged for
Songs of the Hebrides : col...
Songs of the Hebrides : and other Celtic songs fro
Songs of the Hebrides : and...
Auld saws in new Scots sangs
Auld saws in new Scots sangs
Third album of Harry Lauder's songs