Thumbnail for Historic Argyll : No. 1, 1996
Historic Argyll : No. 1, 1996
Lorn Archaeological and Historical Society1996
Books, Manuscripts
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Main title:
Oban : LAHS, 1996
44 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Oban Archaeological Project - - Notes from the GUARD-robe - - Cleigh Archaeological Project, by Oban - - An Iron Age armlet from Lismore - - The Duart wreck - - Finlaggan : an update - - Motif piece for Oban Museum - - The Museum of Islay Life - - Kilmartin House - - Some lesser-known Argyllshire families - - Some notes on the Arms of Campbell - - When is a castle not a castle? - - Preservation of Gylen Castle, Kerrera - - Saddell Abbey in Kintyre - - The planned villages of Argyll, 1750-1850 - - Tracing Argyll ancestors - - Merklands and Pennylands in Argyll and Isles - - Prince Charlie's medicine chest
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Argyll and Bute District CouncilArgyll and Bute District LibraryArgyll County CouncilFirat Archaeological ServicesGlasgow and West of Scotland Family History SocietyIslay Archaeological Survey GroupKilmartin House MuseumLorn Archaeological and Historical SocietyRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments ofRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
Exploring Scotland's heritageGlasgow Archaeological JournalHistoric ArgyllLibrary ReviewProceedings of the Prehistoric SocietyProceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of ScotlandSCOTTISH HISTORICAL REVIEWStatistical Account of Scotland - 2ndTransactions of the Glasgow Archaeological SocietyUniversity of Central Lancashire: studies in archaeology