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Lorn Archaeological and Historical Society journal : issue 41, Spring 1984
Lorn Archaeological and Historical Society1984
Books, Manuscripts
LAHS, 1984
21 cm
Ascog Castle, Isle of Bute - - Notes on the Parish of Glenorchy and Inishail - - The Knipoch murder - - Summer school in Dublin - - A brief guide to local DIY expeditions - - A crofting childhood : conclusion - - A nineteenth century surveyor : conclusion - - Recent work on the Antonine Wall - - Archaeological field survey in N. Scotland - - Souterrains and settlement in E. England - - Old townships and communication routes of Argyll
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Archaeology ScotlandArgyll and Bute District CouncilBritish Red Cross - Argyll BranchFirat Archaeological ServicesIslay Archaeological Survey GroupKilmartin House MuseumLorn Archaeological and Historical SocietyRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments ofRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of ScotlandSociety of Antiquaries of Scotland
Glasgow Archaeological JournalHistoric ArgyllProceedings of the Prehistoric SocietyProceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of ScotlandS.A.S. monograph seriesSubfield unknownThe Scottish NaturalistTransactions of the Glasgow Archaeological SocietyUniversity of Central Lancashire: studies in archaeologyWest highland series