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Kintyre remembers : wartime stories. Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the ending of World War II through personal accounts and articles from The Campbeltown Courier
Books, Manuscripts
On 3rd September 1939, Britain declared was on Hitler's Germany. It wasn't entirely unexpected in Kintyre, as preparations for the eventuality of war had been made from the beginning of the year. Still, it was with a great sense of foreboding that people listened to the radio message of the Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain. This message was printed in full in The Campbeltown Courier, in its first wartime issue on the 9th September. 'Kintyre Remembers' commemorates the 60th anniversary of the ending of World War II through personal accounts and articles from The Campbeltown Courier.
Dunoon : Argyll and Bute Library Service, 2005
36 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 30 cm
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