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The Scot and his maps
Wilkes, Margaret, 1939-1991
Books, Manuscripts
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"The choice of title is intended to show that Scots were, and are, involved with maps in many different ways, not simply in their compilation and production. For reasons of space, and to avoid possible copyright problems I have introduced a cut-off point around 1915, as it has been my experience that it is maps prior to this period which are the most requested by local historians and genealogists."
Main title:
The Scot and his maps / by Margaret Wilkes.
Motherwell : Scottish Library Association, 1991.
48 pages : illustrations, maps, facsimiles ; 30 cm.
Maps on inside covers.Ill. on inside covers.Bibliography: p.48.
Index terms:
MapsHistoryScotlandScotland GeneralCartographyTimothy PontJohn FarquharsonJohn AdairWilliam HallJohn WoodOrdnance Survey
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BBC Education ScotlandBritish Broadcasting CorporationGreat Britain. Scottish Development Department. Historic Buildings and MonumentsHistoric ScotlandNational Museum of Antiquities of ScotlandNational Museums of ScotlandRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of ScotlandSaltire SocietyScottish Local History ForumScottish Records Association