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Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society : new series, volume XV part II
Books, Manuscripts
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Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, 1963
pages 17 - 67 : illustrations, plans ; 21 cm
Series title:
Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society ; new series, volume XV part II
Craignethan Castle - - A Bronze Age burial discovered near B;ackwaterfoot, Arran - - The early development of Dunstaffnage Castle - - A new survey of the Tormore circles
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Ancient Monuments Board for ScotlandAngus Council. Cultural ServicesArchaeology ScotlandCouncil for Scottish ArchaeologyFirat Archaeological ServicesGreat Britain. Scottish Development Department. Historic Buildings and MonumentsHistoric ScotlandHistoric Scotland. Technical Conservation, Research and Education DivisionRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of ScotlandScottish Cultural Resources Access Network
Archaeological GuidesBatsford studies in archaeologyGlasgow Archaeological JournalHistoric ScotlandMillennium Commission ProjectProceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of ScotlandSixth vol viiiThe journal of Archaeology ScotlandThe journal of the Council for Scottish ArchaeologyTransactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society