The crofters war
MacPhail, I. M. M. (Ian Murdoch MacLeod), 1909-1989
Books, Manuscripts
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The later years of the 19th-century saw a period of political and social agitation in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. This volume gives a detailed account of that time, and provides new insight into a critical period in the history of crofting.
The crofters war / I. M. M. MacPhail.
Stornoway : Acair, 1989.
xii,250 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 22 cm.
Includes index.
ScotlandHighlands & IslandsSocial life1837-1901Napier CommissionCrofters actCROFTERS ACT 1886FARMINGSKYECROFTINGHIGHLANDS (Scotland)NAPIER COMMISSIONWESTERN ISLESHEBRIDES