Gabriel Faure : a musical life
Nectoux, Jean-Michel1991
Books, Manuscripts
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This most comprehensive study, the fruit of over twenty years' research by M. Nectoux, the formost authority on Gabriel Faure, traces the composer's life and the rich cultural milieu in which he lived and worked: the world also of Saint-Saens, Flaubert, Verlaine, Ravel, Devussy and Proust. A large part of the book considers Faure's music, and the formation of his late style [and] adjustment to the musical language of the twentieth century. The author has read more than five thousand previously unpublished letters and has unearthed more than 120 musical manuscripts in the process of writing this definitive study.
Gabriel Faure : a musical life / Jean-Michel Nectoux ; translated by Roger Nichols.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991.
646 p. ; illus. ; 23.5 cm.
The original French version published Paris : Flammarion, 1990.Chronology and chronological catalogue of Faure's works.Bibliography and notes.Includes index.