Atlas of creation : Volume 2
Yahya, Harun2008
Books, Manuscripts
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From accompanying letter : This enormous work, 'The Altas of Creation', is the second volume of a projected seven-volume series, and is sent to you here with the publisher's compliments. This book displays the invalidity of the theory of evolution by illustrating dozens of fossil remains gathered from various parts of the world...This book illustrates and explains some examples of these fossils that refute Darwinian assertions as to the origin of life and show why the theory of evolution is about to be declared obsolete.
Atlas of creation : Volume 2 / by Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya).
Third English edition.
Istanbul : Global Publishing, 2008.
759 p. : Illus. ; Photographs ; 28 x 38 cm. ; CD-ROM in front pocket.
First English edition published in February 2007.
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